
My background

My name is Tony and I’ve been a golfer all my life. And when I’m not playing golf I’m thinking about it. You probably know what it’s like! As a teenager, I got down to a handicap of 3 and represented my country (Ireland) at the under-18 level in 1979 alongside two future Walker Cup and Ryder Cup players, Ronan Rafferty and Philip Walton. Today, I’m a retiree, a developer of golf domains in my spare time, and the proud owner of CustomClubfitters. com, the premier domain name for custom clubfitters.

About premium domain names

You may have noticed that many premium domain names – when you type them in your browser – do not resolve to a website. You either get nothing or a parked page. This is because the names have never been built out. There are several possible reasons for this:

  1. The owner might be sitting on the domain, waiting for someone to make them an offer to buy it;
  2. It might be held in reserve by a company for a future project;
  3. It might be held defensively by a company to stop its competitors (present or future) from acquiring and developing it;
  4. The owner might not have the time or resources currently to develop it.

Whatever the reason, for web searchers this is frustrating and for the owner of the domain, it’s a waste of type-in traffic, the most valuable internet traffic of all.

That was the case with this domain name too…

This domain name had been sitting idle and undeveloped for more than 17 years until I acquired it. Now, as the go-to search term, my goal is to turn it into a trusted website for golfers looking for information about custom clubfitters,  both directly from type-in traffic through their browsers and via the search engines.

Getting the domain name back to work

As a first step in putting the domain name back to work for its intended purpose, I’ve personally reviewed several hundred clubfitting websites and created a curated directory of the best golf club fitters I’ve found in each state. At present, there are more than 340 clubfitting locations listed and I’ll continue to grow the listings as time permits by adding more sites from the US and expanding it to cover Canada, the UK, Australia, and further afield. Of course, I need clubfitters to help me out by letting me know about their sites.

Take advantage of this free traffic source

For clubfitters, I’m giving you the opportunity to have your clubfitting site independently reviewed and listed for free on this website. My goal is to make it easier for you and your customers to connect and to have this exceptional domain name fulfill its true potential as the go-to place for clubfitting links and leads.

As website owners, you know how important backlinks and reviews are for getting your business found on the web and for capturing leads. And it’s not just links from any old site that are important, but links from sites that are highly contextually relevant, as this site is.

So take advantage of this opportunity to add another source of backlinks and traffic to your website. It will cost you nothing and will help funnel highly targeted customers to your business above all the paid ads, irrelevant results, and general dross that clutters up much of the search engine results pages these days.

Because remember, you’ll never know what the lifetime value of those customers might be until you’ve got them.